Years Experience
History MEBI
History MEBI
Our Vision
To become a leading professional organization in the development of biomass energy to support energy security and the national economy in a sustainable manner.
Our Mission
- Build human resource capacity and technological innovation in efficient and effective biomass development to achieve energy independence;
- Encouraging the optimization of added value and competitiveness as well as increased accessibility of biomass energy at affordable prices for all people;
- Encouraging the use of biomass in bio-economic development which is oriented towards domestic and export markets for economic growth and social welfare;
- Supporting the development of biomass energy in achieving the target of the national renewable energy mix and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Encourage the application of research to optimize the use of biomass as a renewable energy source;
- Bridging stakeholders and serving as a consultative medium in the development of biomass for renewable energy.
Our Values
- Integrity – Honest with ourselves and others, adhere to high ethical moral standards in doing business, be responsible and accountable;
- Transparent – management openness to the mechanisms of the organization’s system;
- Trustworthy – Trust, respect, and support one another, and always strive to gain the trust of stakeholders;
- Professional – Having reliable competence in accordance with the field of work;
- Innovation – Using skills and intelligence to imagine and create in order to continuously improve the development of biomass and biomass energy;
- Partnership – To be productive, collaborative, trusting and beneficial partners in relationships with stakeholders.
Strategic Plan
- Optimizing the role of the organization in providing policy considerations and suggestions and handling strategic issues to the government and stakeholders;
- Making alliances with other organizations and / or institutions in the development and utilization of biomass;
- Encouraging increased utilization of biomass in bio-economic development for various needs through the concept of an integrated industry (integrated industry) and empowering the community;
- Provide advice and considerations on various efforts to reduce operational costs as effectively and efficiently as possible (cost effectiveness and cost efficiency) to biomass energy producers to increase added value;
- Continuously encouraging to remain focused on the development and utilization of biomass energy through research and technological innovation in both the upstream and downstream sectors.
Action Plan
- Increasing the professionalism of human resources through education and training, workshops, symposiums, seminars, luncheon-talk, and others, either independently or in collaboration with other agencies engaged in the biomass energy business;
- Developing networks and cooperation among stakeholders in Indonesia and around the world through the connectivity of biomass energy organizations and digital data collection systems from the upstream-downstream sector;
- Optimizing the use of communication media, mass media, and other media for the dissemination of MEBI activities and research results to stakeholders including producers-consumers-government-society at large;
- Provide input to the government in terms of public policies and handling of strategic issues related to the development and utilization of biomass and biomass energy, as well as national energy conservation;
- Encouraging increased added value and competitiveness through increased productivity, efficiency of upstream-downstream production costs, and acceptance of incentives as environmentally friendly green products;
- Encouraging the development of biomass energy as a business unit with good prospects to support increased employment opportunities and absorption of labor;
- Encouraging the development of biomass energy in bioeconomic development (energy, chemical, animal feed, and transportation) for various purposes through cooperation between stakeholders;
- Building coordination, cooperation, and a consultative role in an effort to create coherence between stakeholders through the MEBI forum, as well as assessing biomass experts to be certified accredited.
Komplek Ruko Gading Bukit Indah, Jl. Gading
Kirana Timur IX Blok O No. 02, Kelapa Gading
Permai, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240
Phone Number
+62 21 7919 4095
Email Address